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Manage the legal department's activity

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How to manage the activity of the legal department in a constantly changing environment to ensure optimal risk management with shorter deadlines?

The consequences of poor management in your legal department

Vos enjeux

Without managing the activity precisely, it becomes difficult to manage the legal department's effectively and to demonstrate the added value it brings.

  • Legal risks: poor management of the legal department's activity can lead to poor consideration of legal risks that may affect the company. The legal department may lack information about current rules and laws and may not be able to identify, understand, and manage legal risks that the business may face.
  • Poor communication between the legal department and other departments: this may prevent the legal department from being properly informed of the actions or transactions carried out by other departments. As a result, the legal department will not be able to identify and manage legal risks effectively.
  • Poor management of legal files and documents: the legal department may be unable to properly manage legal documents and records and may not consider it important information that could be useful in managing legal risks.
  • Poor decision-making: the legal department may make decisions that are not appropriate to the circumstances or that may lead to negative consequences for the business.
  • File processing time: file processing times can be extended if the legal department is poorly managed, causing delays in the execution of contracts and legal decisions, which can have negative consequences on the company's reputation.
  • Lack of compliance: Poor management by the legal department can lead to a lack of compliance with regulations and applicable laws. This can lead to fines and therefore negative consequences on the company's reputation and profitability.

The legal director, a major player in the department's management

Managing the activity of the legal department is essential to guarantee the quality of its services, the productivity and efficiency of employees, client satisfaction and compliance with current laws and regulations. Good management of the legal department starts with a clear analysis of the objectives, activities and processes to be implemented.

To efficiently manage the legal department's activity, it is important to define clear and quantifiable performance indicators (KPIS). These indicators can be used to measure and assess the department's performance and progress towards the goals set. Key performance indicators may include the time and costs associated with managing legal documents and records, the number of legal consultation requests and services handled by the department, the quality and effectiveness of the services provided by the department, and the overall level of satisfaction of internal and external clients.

In addition, it is important to develop and implement effective control systems to verify processing times, quality and compliance levels, and other key elements related to legal activity, such as risk management and cost analysis.

A good legal performance management system is the key to an efficient legal department.

Your legal needs

Vos besoins

  • Anticipate legal risks
  • Employee productivity and efficiency
  • Client satisfaction
  • Definition of clear and quantifiable performance indicators (KPIS)
  • Informed decision-making
  • Global vision of the legal department's activity
  • Anticipate legal risks
  • Employee productivity and efficiency
  • Client satisfaction
  • Definition of clear and quantifiable performance indicators (KPIS)
  • Informed decision-making
  • Global vision of the legal department's activity

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