Septeo, European reference, ranked among the top 10 software publishers in France

We used to have a job, a partner and an address for life... but that's a thing of the past.

Today we live here, then we move there. We are more mobile. An opportunity? Change jobs. An idea? Start your business. Want to get away from it all? Pack your bags... Our lives are faster, and we go "further".

Behind every one of these moments of life, professionals are there to support us.

And that's what Septeo is there for. To provide professionals with adapted solutions. And even if we are not always visible, we are there. Behind a wedding, a real estate purchase, a professional development, a trip...

It's quite a responsibility, after all. Our responsibility.

Septeo. Behind every moment of life.

Septeo Group by numbers

users of our solutions
employees throughout France, Belgium, Switzerland, Switzerland, Tunisia and North America
investment in R&D
turnover in 2022 (30% increase from 2021)

Gender Equality Index

Each year at Septeo, we assess key indicators related to gender equality and the steps we're taking to close the gap:

  • Pay disparity
  • Differences in individual salary increases
  • Percentage of women who receive a raise after returning from maternity leave
  • Number of employees from the underrepresented gender among the top ten highest-paid positions

In 2023, based on criteria set by French law, Septeo achieved an overall score of 97 out of 100.

Our areas of expertise

Our journey

  • Entering a new business vertical with We Recruit
  • Entrée sur un nouveau vertical métier avec Dendreo, solution de gestion pour organismes de formation
  • Strengthening Spain with acquisitions Acigrup and Witbooking
  • Strengthening the human resources division with Mpleo In Belgium
  • Opening of the Hospitality division and development of the group's presence in Southern Europe with Sequoiasoft
  • Priam (software for Court Enforcement Officers) and Adwin (software for lawyers) join the Septeo Group.
  • Strengthening Septeo for Human Resources with the integration of Primobox (HR dematerialization) and Listo Paye (Payroll solution)
  • Stepping into the chartered accountants and court enforcement officers market with Ingeneo, SoftOuest and Intelligent Software
  • IT and Security is reinforced with Avelia
  • Entry into the HRIS market with Foederis
  • Real estate expertise is reinforced with the acquisition of DP Logiciels Group
  • Real estate division is reinforced with Modelo and Netty
  • Expansion in the PropTech market with Preventimmo and CityScan
  • Hg invests in Septeo Group to help build a leading LegalTech platform in Europe
  • Creation of AI devision with Softlaw
  • New solutions for legal professions with Gestisoft and Eficio
  • Growth in the real estate market with La Gestion Intégrale (LGI)
  • IT and Security division is reinforced with Novatim and Appliwave
  • First solutions for corporate legal professionals with Legal Suite
  • Digital communications division created with Azko
Septeo, European leader of LegalTech, is born.

  • Notary expertise integration from Genapi and NCIS
  • Lawyer expertise integration from Secib, Ecostaff and Dictaplus
  • Real estate division created with SPI
  • Expansion in the IT services and solutions market with Matilan and RG System

Our locations

Based in Montpellier (Lattes), Septeo Group is now present thoughout France (Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Nantes, Nice, Marseille), as well as in Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, and North America.