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Cloud Septeo, the data security and backup solution for notaries

100% French-hosted infrastructure, secure and compliant with the standards required by the notarial profession. Choosing Cloud Septeo means peace of mind!
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Cloud key benefits for your notary office

Secure all your office data

Benefit from data backup in a private Cloud environment, 100% hosted in France. Septeo Cloud secures your data against hacking, theft or hardware failure.

Complete peace of mind

Free yourself from the maintenance, updating and renewal costs associated with a server. Get access to your data anytime, anywhere, without any worries.

Open to innovation

Septeo Cloud is the gateway to the most advanced software and functions on the market. All the latest IT solutions for the notary's profession are available using our solutions.


Septeo Cloud secures your notary's office data

Compared with an in-house server, the Cloud drastically reduces downtime risks. No matter the cause.

100% of your data backed up 24/7

With Septeo Cloud, your notary's office data is backed-up and replicated in 4 data centers in France every 24 hours, ensuring maximum security and accessibility at any time.

As soon as an outage is detected, our monitoring system guarantees a smooth transition to several back up servers, ensuring your business continuity.

Avoid business interruptions

Every year in France, the activities of hundreds of offices are interrupted. This may have a major financial impact.

To avoid these failures, our expert team is ready to take action within 2 hours* in case of an outage or a high risk of production shutdown. In addition, in cases of service interruption affecting your use, rapid intervention is guaranteed within 4 hours*.

* Record response time

Control your data

With Septeo Cloud, your data is in safe hands. Our infrastructures are based in France, fully compliant with current laws and regulations.

In other words, your information is stored, backed up, and handled in France, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity. You are the exclusive owner of your office data!

Gardez la maîtrise de vos données

Septeo Cloud frees you from server constraints

Forget all the headaches associated with your current server by choosing the Cloud.

No more need to organize maintenance or upgrades

You don't have to worry about renewing your IT equipment, maintenance, or storage issues: everything is already taken care of by our teams.

Updates are made automatically, without extra cost or delays, unlike a local solution which requires additional time and expenses.

Your new workspace is ready to use immediately

You're ready to go: all your notary software is immediately available with an Internet connection, including when you work from home. It's all integrated with your IT system.


Cloud solutions allow your notary office to evolve

The Septeo Cloud makes your daily work easier while anticipating your future needs.

Easy to add new workstations and tools

When your office grows, you can quickly add new workstations, software, and more storage space, without overloading your equipment or changing your infrastructure.

For instance, your employees can consult their work and save documents from a tablet during an appointment with a client. A significant time saver.

Innovative solutions to simplify your life

The Septeo Cloud integrates many tools to reduce your workload. For example, our automated documents allow you to generate and update acts and standard documents in just a few clicks, so you can concentrate on your essential tasks.

Our technological partners

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Our technology partners

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Comment sont sécurisées vos données avec le Cloud Septeo ?

Le Cloud Septeo est une solution d'hébergement des données des études notariales dans un environnement privé et sécurisé, entièrement localisé en France.

Comment le Cloud assure-t-il la sécurisation des données de votre étude ?

Les données de votre étude sont sauvegardées et répliquées toutes les 24 heures dans quatre data centers situés en France, assurant une sécurité maximale. En cas de panne, il existe des serveurs de secours garantissant la continuité de vos opérations.

Comment le Cloud Septeo améliore-t-il la performance de votre étude notariale ?

En migrant vers le Cloud, votre étude bénéficie d'une infrastructure performante et sécurisée, d'un accès facilité aux outils métiers, et d'une réduction significative des risques d'incidents ou de cyberattaques.

Quels sont les avantages du Cloud Septeo par rapport à un serveur physique en étude ?

Le Cloud Septeo vous libère des contraintes liées à la maintenance, aux mises à jour et aux coûts de renouvellement d'un serveur physique.

Le Cloud Septeo est-il conforme aux réglementations françaises en matière de confidentialité ?

Oui, les infrastructures de Septeo sont basées en France, en totale conformité avec les lois et règlements en vigueur. Vous êtes l’unique propriétaire des données de votre étude.

Contact us

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