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Employee document collection software

Enhance employee files in a few clicks.
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Collecting employee documents: the key benefits

Save time

The most time-consuming tasks are fully automated for immediate time savings: late employees are relaunched at regular deadlines and validated documents are automatically classified in employee files.

Better request follow-up

HR managers get a concise overview of current document requests. The dashboard makes it possible to monitor their progress at a glance, to validate or refuse the documents received.

Better candidate and employee experience

Employees and candidates who receive document requests benefit from a simple and smooth experience. They are notified by email and then relaunched if necessary and submit necessary documents for their onboarding in a few clicks.

Essential functionalities for collecting employee documents

Sending document requests

  • Unitary or mass selection of employees or candidates concerned by the collection
  • Selecting the documents to be collected
  • Setting a deadline for receipt
  • Setting up automated reminders
Interface de la collecte des documents salariés pour les équipes des ressources humainesr
Interface du suivi de collecte de documents salariés

Follow-up on document requests

  • Dashboard to view all document requests according to their status (in progress, received, validated, suspended or expired) or by their creation date
  • Email notification when a document is submitted by an employee (optional)
  • Consultation of the document received with the possibility of validating or refusing it
  • In case of refusal, choose a reason and write a comment. Automatic sending of a new request to the employee by email
  • In case of validation, automatic deposit of the document in the employee's HR file

Seamless employee journey

  • Reception of a notification email by employees to allow them to file their document (s) from their employee area
  • Downloading the document (s) from the file explorer
  • Validation and transmission confirmation message
Interfaces des salariés de la collecte des documents

Find out how to simplify collecting documents required for hiring

All our document collection tool's features

  • Request for documents in bulk or unitary
  • Automatic reminders
  • Email alert when a document is submitted by an employee
  • Monitoring the progress of collections
  • Manual validation of received documents
  • Automatic feeding of the employee's HR file

Our technological partners

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Request a demo

To learn more about our document collection software, watch a demo.