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Skills management software: simple and effective

Retain your employees while strengthening the company's competitiveness through digitalization. Our software can optimize the entire process for a more strategic vision.
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Skills management software: the key benefits

Better managed career management

Individual career management and collective skills management are optimized. Benefit from an overview of the company's skills that is both strategic and operational.

Integration with other HR processes

Dynamic and integrated skills management since our tool is connected to other HR processes, in particular for interview and training follow-up.

Building your skills framework

Job descriptions are associated with a skills framework. This makes it possible to create a business framework adapted to its organization.

Our skills software's essential functionalities

Skills referencing

  • Customizing forms and template systems
  • Skills assessment is carried out during interviews or at any other time depending on your HR policy.
  • Employee evaluation according to their job and their performance (9-box grid model)
  • Centralization of documentation on the same platform

Strategic skills management

  • A wealth of skills available
  • Identification of profiles with high potential
  • Versatility matrix
  • Visualization and prospective analysis tools for decision support
  • Mobility processes, replacement, and succession plans
  • Assistance in setting up project teams

Risk management and monitoring

  • Definition of risks associated with job descriptions
  • Calculation of coefficients/levels by risk and perspective with preventive actions
  • Management and monitoring of arduousness
  • Single document editing

Optimize and simplify your GPEC with our software

All our software's features

Our skills management software's functionalities have been designed to meet your needs.

  • Automatic link with other HR processes
  • Individual careers management with the provision of history
  • Mapping of jobs and organizational skills with job classification and weighing
  • Management ratios and skills management indicators available to managers
  • Customizing forms and reporting through modeling systems
  • Security, privacy and connectivity provided by LDAP and SSO compatible systems on all WEB environments

Our technological partners

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Our technology partners

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Linked resources

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Request a demo

To learn more about the benefits of our skills software, attend a demo.