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Absence and leave management software

Make the most of leave and absence management to save your company valuable time.
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Leave and absence management software: the key benefits

Save time

HR teams and, more generally, all employees save precious time. Managing leaves and absences becomes simple, reliable, and fast.

Interfacing with payroll

Leave and absence management is integrated with other HR processes, in particular payroll, to optimize administrative work.

Ensure the company's activity

The continuity of company activities is ensured by a more intuitive and responsive leaves and absences management.

The essential functionalities of the leave and absence management software

Automation and optimization

  • Setting absence conditions directly on the interface
  • Customizable validation workflows based on request types and profiles
  • Automation of email sending to employees (vacation period, absence process, reminders, ...)
  • Empowering employees is encouraged, thanks to an ergonomic and intuitive platform
  • Dematerialization of the entire process, which allows efficient and simplified management for all
  • Complete data interfacing with payroll software to avoid double-entry

Monitoring and managing absenteeism

  • Taking into account all types of absence (including leave, RTT, sick leave, family events, partial unemployment)
  • Integration of all legal calculation rules
  • Centralized monitoring of absenteeism
  • Customizable dashboards

Autonomy of managers

  • Absence counters accessible by managers
  • Request for leave, at the initiative of managers or employees
  • Real-time visibility of the team calendar
  • Autonomous validation of absence requests

Simplify your leave and absence management with our software

All our software features

Find the functionalities of our leave and absence software here:

  • Management of all types of absence (leave/RTT, sick leave, partial unemployment...)
  • Setting up the types of requests according to the needs of the organization
  • Allocation of workflows to choose from for each type of request
  • Transparent and visible validation by all from the platform
  • Automating the sending of absence requests
  • Customized dashboards via a Business Intelligence module (SaaS)
  • Interfacing with other HR processes

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Request a demo

For more details on our leave and absence management offer, request a demonstration.