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Digital doc: digital stamp and PDF editing for law firms

Scan, edit, stamp, send. It is that simple!
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Benefits thanks to Digital doc

Improve collaborative work

Highlighting, annotations, and comments: collaborate with your team to speed up document review and processing.

Save time

By indexing documents and inserting a summary to quickly find what you are looking for: expert reports, custody files, draft contracts, etc.

Stamp your documents

And generate your forms in a few clicks thanks to a personalized and dynamic digital stamp, integrated into your software.

Digital doc essentials

Scan, edit, stamp, and send your documents and communication forms in a few clicks, in accordance with the RPVA standards (Virtual Private Network of Lawyers in France).

Scan your documents

Scan your documents in one click, preview, and rename them before attaching them to your folders.

  • Choice of the folder and the side to which to attach the documents.
  • Attaching a document to several folders.
  • Scan directly from folders.
  • Simultaneous scanning of several documents.
  • Advanced scanning options (colors, resolution, ...).

Edit and modify your documents

Convert your scanned documents (JPG, PNG, PDF) into Word documents directly in SECIB.

  • Rotate, highlight, or annotate documents.
  • Merging or splitting PDFs.
  • Add, move, or delete items on the go.
  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for text modification.


Generate and modify your documents delivery slips using the digital stamp.

  • Dynamic numbering after adding or deleting a part.
  • Automatic correction of the form.
  • Stamping done one by one or simultaneously.
  • Sharing personalized stamps with the entire office.

Send your document files and slips

Internally or to the courts, send your documents, scanned documents and forms in a few clicks, without leaving your software.

  • Send the documents by e-mail, e-Barreau.
  • Automatic cutting of file folders according to the weight limit imposed by the RPVA (Virtual Private Network of Lawyers in France).
  • Sign and have your documents signed electronically.

Discover how Septeo can support you in the digitization and processing of your files and documents.

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Frequently asked questions about Digital Doc

Can I change the order of documents without restamping everything?

Yes, document numbering is updated automatically when a page or document is added or removed. The document delivery slip is also automatically updated.

Can I personalize my firm's stamp?

Yes, with Digital Doc, any image in ... format can be used as a stamp within the limit of (weight, size?)

Can I edit documents scanned as images?

Yes, with ocerization (optical character recognition), PDFs and images are converted to .doc format and therefore editable in Microsoft Word.

Request a demo

To find out more about Digital doc, fill out the form below. One of our advisors will contact you as soon as possible to offer you a demonstration.